March 2009 Gospel Principle #3 “I will obey my parents.”
40 minutes
Music Leader: (one minute) Pick a child to lead everyone in an action like clapping hands, rolling arms, pounding fists, or stomping feet as you sing just the chorus of “Nephi’s Courage” pg. 121.
Presidency Member: (5 minutes)
- Point out that the words the children just sang were the prophet Nephi’s actual words from the Book of Mormon. Read (or have a senior primary child ready to read) and explain 1 Nephi 3:7.
- Explain that Heavenly Father commanded us to obey our parents and read Ephesians 6:1. Point out that since Heavenly Father commanded our obedience to our earthly parents He knows we can do it and he will help us too.
- Explain that “a loving and happy family does not happen by accident. Each person in the family must do his or her part. The Lord has given responsibilities to both parents and children.” (GP Chapter 37) Being obedient is one of the ways they are doing their part to build an eternal family.
- Look at the music leader.
Music Leader: (3 minutes)
- Sing the chorus of "My Eternal Family" acappella.
- Tell the children to listen for two things we can be as we build our eternal family while you sing it again with the piano playing the melody.
- Ask what two things we can be as we build our eternal family and take answers.
- Invite the children to sing the chorus with you while the piano plays.
- Look at the presidency member.
Presidency Member: (less than 1 minute) Explain again that when we are obedient to our parents we are doing our part to build our eternal family. Some of the things our parents ask us to do are teaching us how to love and serve our families. Ask the children if they remember this song and look at music leader.
Music Leader: (less than 1 minute) Sing just the last half of the third verse of The Family is of God and look at the presidency member
Presidency Member: (4 minutes)
- Point out that we don’t always come to earth knowing how to love and serve our families so our parents teach us how.
- Ask the children what are some things they have been taught to do to serve their families.
- Bring out some props or pictures to help the children think of things their parents have taught them to do (a toy—pick up toys, a plate and cup—clear their plate from the table, picture 1-47 and 3-27—show love for their brothers and sisters, pictures 2-48/3-30 or 1-38—play nicely, picture 3-4 include everyone, a pet food bowl or picture 3-31 take care of pets).
- Look at the music leader.
Music Leader: (3 minutes)
- Sing the first two phrases of the first verse acappella.
- Tell the children to listen for what you work to do each day as you sing again with the piano playing the melody.
- Ask the children what they heard you work to do and take answers.
- Inivite the children to try singing it with you and this time but also listen for what you do the best you can.
- Sing with the piano playing just the melody.
- Ask the children what you do the best you can and take answers.
- Sing both phrases one more time with the children and the piano.
- Look at the presidency member.
Presidency Member: (5 minutes)
- Point out that children also need to obey Heavenly Father and parents when they instruct us to speak kind words.
- Bring out a picture a picture of a child with his/her mouth open as if speaking that you prepared before Primary. You could attach a large picture of just the child’s head on the top of a piece of paper and paste a drawing of shoes on the bottom (cartoon ovals would work just fine).
- Invite a child to pick a strip of paper with one of the following kind words or phrases out of a bowl or hat:
Thank you
You look nice
I love you
Can I help?
Great job - Ask the child when he/she would use those kind words in his/her home.
- Invite the child to put the strip of paper on your picture as if the words are coming out of the child’s mouth.
- After the child adds the words to the top of the picture take off either the head or the feet, add another piece of paper to the original paper, and reattach the head or feet so that the picture looks like it’s growing taller.
- Point out that we don’t really grow taller just because we use kind words but make the comparison between using kind words and growing taller--the more we use kind words the easier it is to build out eternal family just like the taller we grow the easier it is for us to do things.
- Look at the music leader.
Music Leader: (5 minutes)
- Sing the second half of the first verse acappella.
- Tell the children to listen as you sing it again with the piano playing the melody for what else you are doing besides growing tall and learning to speak with kindness.
- Ask what else you are doing and take answers.
- Invite the children to sing the second half of the first verse with you and the piano and then sing the whole first verse together.
- Look at the presidency member
Presidency Member: (5 minutes)
- Explain to the children that Heavenly Father gives us tools to use to help us build our eternal families.
- Display pictures of a child praying (GAK 605), the scriptures (GAK 617), a child getting the gift of the Holy Ghost (GAK 602), and a couple in front of the temple (GAK 609).
- Set out a toolbox or tool belt containing tools with numbers or letters that correspond to a number or letter under one of the pictures.
- Invite a child to pull a tool out, point to the corresponding picture, and ask them to tell you what it is.
- In junior primary explain how that spiritual tool helps them build an eternal family but in senior primary further ask the child to do the explaining.
- When you get to the picture of the child getting the gift of the Holy Ghost, promise the children that even if they don’t have the gift of the Holy Ghost yet Heavenly Father will send his Spirit to help them build their eternal family.
- Look at the music leader.
Music Leader: (7 minutes)
- Sing the second verse acappella.
- Tell the children to listen while you sing it again and see if the pictures on the board on in the right order.
- Sing again with the piano and ask if the pictures are in the right order. If not let the children fix them as you sing the verse slowly.
- Invite the children to sing with you.
- Sing the whole verse including the chorus.
- Review the first verse and invite the children to sing it with you including the chorus.
- Sing the entire song together.
Special thanks to Sandra Reeder, the presidency member who will teach this sharing time with me in my ward. She came up with the idea of the child speaking kind words and helped me get the creative juices flowing, so to speak.
Your plans are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
I just have to say, we have used both of the previous plans and they were awesome! It has taken me all month to teach one song before, and now they know the song in one day and we can review the rest of the month. Wonderful! Thanks so much for posting your ideas! You are a life saver!
I am so jealous that you are able to work so closely with your presidency to incorporate singing / sharing time! I appreciate your blog - thanks for sharing!!
On the third music leader section it says to sing the third verse of The Family is of God, but we didn't chose to learn that one, so I was wondering if there is a similar substitute, or was it supposed to be part of My Eternal Family that the music leader sings to them?
Dear SugarPlumFairy,
I wanted to use that particular verse of "The Family is of God" to illustrate to the children that we need our parents to teach us to love and serve one another—that is partly why we obey them. In that part of the lesson I'm using singing is a tool to keep the kids attention and help them feel the Holy Ghost which will teach them--they shouldn't be learning something new. If your children don't know the verse it will be meaningless to them. I have confidence that you can find another way to help them understand the message. I bet you could even successfully leave it out and the lesson will flow nicely.
Thanks for asking and good luck.
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